Should you rent it?
Spoiler free review.
If you have to sum up this movie in one word it will probably be "beautiful". It's like watching somewhat animated HD photographs, or those videos from national geographic (but with music instead of Morgan Freeman narrating). Actually, I'm convinced that all convenience stores should replace their Sony HD demonstration videos and use this movie instead. This is what I'm talking about.Yes, I kid you not. This movie is practically a very long HD demonstration video and as such it has it all: classical music, space videos, nature, landscapes, amazing buildings, etc.
Oh, and it is a movie too, with a story and everything, but as you can probably guess, the story is too slow. The acting is great (specially the kid's and Brad Pitt's) and the story intriguing. And I love the idea of mixing a good story with beautiful scenes, but they spent so much time on the other scenes that the story is never built properly.
At some point the extremely slow story reaches an almost normal speed and you get really invested in it (specially since the acting is so good) but it's a little too little too late.
So I do recommend you to rent it but more to awe at how good your 1080p screen is (and maybe have as a background) than to see the story...
Spoilerish review.
The biggest problem with the story is... Show/Hide the rest of the spoilerish review
...that it doesn't have a proper ending. Or even an explanation (unless I fell asleep during the nature scenes and missed it) of how the only thing that really happens in the movie happened in the first place! I could've tolerated the lack of speed in the story if it had beginning, climax and ending but it's just about feelings and "the loss of innocence".
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