Should you go watch it?
Yes. Immediately. It may be the best movie of 2012.
Spoiler free review.
Last year 2 amazing movies came out and a lot of people didn't see them. John Carter is one of them but for some reason it even lost money for Disney (one possible reason is that they decided not to do advertising) and it even has some bad reviews. I'll try to post about that one but if you haven't seen it. Rent it today!The other movie, Cloud Atlas, didn't do as bad economically (this one actually made money) but it wasn't even nominated for an Oscar when it deserved to even win at least two. I think the reason for that is that not everybody saw it. Maybe because it showed around the time The Hobbit did (and Skyfall and others).
The only other two people that I know watched it, loved it too. I consider it one of my favorite movies of all times but it's still not in everybody's radar. If you are one of those radars: fix that.
I don't even want to talk much about it because I loved watching it without knowing a thing (I really knew zero). And I watched it at 10:00 pm and it lasts almost 3 hours and I never felt tired. My eyes were wide open trying not to miss what was going to happen next with this or that "thing".
So, I won't tell you anything about the movie but this:
1) Is very different from any other type of movie you have seen. It's not a sequel, it's not a re-make, and it doesn't follow any of the usual formulas I'm getting tired of. It's a really fresh movie experience. And I longed for those.
2) Tom Hanks is amazing in it. Other than Forrest Gump I never cared much for Tom. Until now. Everybody is great in it, but Tom Hanks won me back.
3) Stick through the credits. They will answer some questions you will have about casting and you will be amazed of a lot of things you didn't notice.
That's it. Go watch it (if showing) or buy the Blu-ray or rent it. OK?